These days, finding a Clinton scandal is about as easy as walking out your front door. And while Hillary continues to lie to the American people in hopes of spending a catastrophic term in the White House, her husband Bill is once again facing allegations of a sexual nature.
Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz has recruited the former president’s FBI director to help prove that Bill was not present at alleged sex orgies (are there any type of orgies?) thrown by his former client, friend and convicted pedophile.
Clinton’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted child sex predator has been the subject of controversy since Epstein pleaded guilty for soliciting prostitution from a minor in 2008. Now Dershowitz is facing a defamation lawsuit in FL, filed by representatives of two of Epstein’s alleged victims. Dershowitz served as Epstein lawyer during the 2008 trial. Flight logs and witnesses tie Clinton and Dershowitz to Epstein and his extravagant sex parties, which allegedly featured underage girls who claimed to be Epstein’s sex slaves.
Do you see where this is going? Dershowitz represented Epstein, who he knew to be guilty, and now he’s trying to protect Bill Clinton, who also seems to be guilty. And he still has to worry about keeping himself out of prison, but he’s also guilty. This is like having a blind person lead another blind person across one of those bridges in Star Wars that doesn’t have any handrails and drops into a seemingly endless abyss.
Read more on the next page.
The FBI is a government agency….just like the DOJ & IRS. We already know that odumbass controls the DOJ & IRS, what makes you think he doesn’t control the FBI? Think people…..they haven’t taken that…….yet.
Bill Clinton turn down free hoohah? Yeah………right! You KNOW he was there.
One of Clinton’s cronies.
HA! As if he’s not going to lie…