And here we thought all along that Democrats were the true champions of the “working class.” My grandfather was a “FDR Democrat” who believed (erroneously) that FDR pulled America out of the depression. That’s another story for another time. The topic here is that Bill Clinton wants to support the “working class” alright, just so long as they are immigrants. This time from Syria.
We’ve found a video where Mr. Clinton extols the virtues of those from Syria, and encourages, on behalf of his Clinton Global Initiative, the importation of Syrians to Detroit in order to do the work of rebuilding the city.
Now I’m very sure that there are many Syrians who are great people and who would jump at such a chance. The problem I have with this is what about American workers who are unemployed? Last time I checked, there are plenty of these in Detroit. If there aren’t enough unemployed there to fill the construction and other jobs, I’m sure we can find other American citizens who are a whole lot closer to Detroit than Syria.
So, as we continually find with the Clintons, there’s always some other motive at work other than the one they express. Can you guess what’s going on this time?
he should have been taken out a long time ago
We will send them to your house… After all you have a wall to keep them
We don’t want anymore prevys in the Whitehouse…They had their chances and blew it… his brother was a drug smuggler…and he PARDONED him… read about the Bush Clinton COCAINE connections. I remember…
,..getting insane for power and money…
So Detroit will become a Islamic State?
The want to get rid of the Blacks.
When a qualified woman does run for President I will vote for her but not Kiiary Rotten KKKlinton