FLASHBACK: Bloomberg is Ready to Throw His Hat in the Ring for a Chance to Duke It Out With Trump

It was in January of last year that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was flirting with the idea of running for the presidency.  His rationale for the proposed run however is not what you’d have thought.  In his mind, he actually thought that there was a chance that he could beat both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, or even Ted Cruz had he been the nominee.  I find it difficult to get behind any of those premises.

Bloomberg, in explaining why he would have been an attractive draw said that he was a “nonideological, bipartisan, results-oriented” candidate.  Excuse me while I laugh a little.  Non-ideological?  Bipartisan?  Man, was this guy operating on the same wavelength as normal human beings?  As for “results-oriented,” I’m going to go against the grain on this one.  If you read the New York Times, they’ll tell you he did no wrong.  They’ll liken him to Mother Teresa.  They’ll abandon all sense of sane thinking and tell you he was THE most effective mayor in NYC since David Dinkins.  Heck, at least Dinkins didn’t attempt to usurp local private businesses.

But for the sake of argument, let’s look at the legend that was Bloomberg, shall we?

The native New Yorker is of the ilk that doesn’t really care how high the taxes are raised for two reasons:  1) They’re all Democrats, so half of them are not paying anyway and the other half are on assistance of some sort, and 2) If you keep their streets clear so that they can get to work in Manhattan or the other four boroughs in under 16 an 1/2 hours, you’re golden.  For Bloomberg, he violated the second tenet when he failed to grasp that the massive snowstorm of 2011 was going to be as horrible as everyone warned him it would be.  When weeks of garbage piled up on top of mountains of snow that failed to be removed by one of the highest paid public utility works in the world, the mayor that the New York Times would tuck in with a bedtime story every night, became a pub dartboard favorite.

Then there was his brilliant grasp of New Yorker mentality when he continuously worked in front of and behind the scenes to further the narrative that the city WANTED a mosque built at Ground Zero or within the immediate radius.  Yeah, Mikey, that’s exactly what I gleaned from New Yorkers when EVERYONE in the city knew someone who died there or was friends with someone who lost a loved one that day.  In the worlds of a New York, “Are ya kiddin’ me?”

Let’s also bring up the fact that upon election, the mayor who had switched party affiliation directly before running so that he could have a chance at winning, opted to strike mayoral term limits from the books in order to run for another term; the exact reasoning behind why Rudy Giuliani had to end his Mayor’s run.

Bloomberg’s city council speaker, Christine C. Quinn, was also a toady who decided to block on multiple occasions allowing Walmart Corporation from joining the ranks of businesses in New York City, because of its union stance and low prices.  Yes, God forbid we toss the New Yorkers a bone when they’re already bone-dry from the excessive and over-taxing of the King of Hell Gate Channel.  Nice work again, Bloomberg.  You really knew how to manage a city council.

Bloomberg, who served as mayor from 2002 to 2013, has given himself an early March deadline for entering the race to see how successful Clinton and the other Republican candidates are in the early primaries. 

And associates said a nomination victory by Clinton wouldn’t necessarily keep Bloomberg from entering the race – if he believed her stature had been weakened by the campaign.

‘This isn’t about Hillary Clinton,’ an adviser told the Times in an email. ‘The fact is Hillary Clinton is behind in Iowa and New Hampshire. That should scare a lot of people – and it does.’ 

But Bloomberg’s close friend Edward G. Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania and a vocal Clinton supporter, said Bloomberg wouldn’t go ‘on a suicide mission’ if Clinton won the nomination.

‘If Hillary wins the nomination, Hillary is mainstream enough that Mike would have no chance,’ Rendell told the Times. 

Last weekend Trump told ABC News he believed Bloomberg would ‘take a lot of votes away from Hillary’ and called him a ‘friend’ and ‘great guy’.   

Advisers believe early March would be the latest in which Bloomberg could enter the race and still appear as an independent candidate in all 50 states’ ballots. 

And to think: We lost out on the very good chance that Bloomberg would have been our president today.

…and the Statue of Liberty is a man in a dress.

Source:  The Daily Mail / American Thinker



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