Financial Times Tells Europeans To Prepare for ‘Demographic Replenishment’ by Arabs and Asians

Parag Khanna recently penned an article for the Financial Times asserting that Europeans should “prepare for demographic replenishment.” Khana also authored a book called ‘Move: How Mass Migration Will Reshape the World — and What It Means For You’.

Unsurprisingly, he also has close ties with the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations and was a ‘Global Governance Fellow’ at the Brookings Institution.

Khanna ludicrously claims that large swathes of the planet will become “uninhabitable” due to climate change, causing “millions, if not billions of people…to relocate to terrain in the latitudes best suited to survival.”

He then asserts that “labour shortages” in North America and Europe will necessitate these regions “to open the immigration taps accordingly.”

“North America and Eurasia must absorb more people,” demands Khanna, seemingly unsatisfied with the massive numbers of migrants they are already taking in.
“Today’s fiscally strained and depopulating Visegrad countries could fuse into a larger federation to better administer their vital forests, agriculture and rivers in order to prepare for demographic replenishment by Arabs and Asians,” he writes.

The Visegrad countries are Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The idea of Americans and Europeans being “replenished” or “replaced” by migrant populations is an area of discussion that is treated very differently depending on which side you fall on.

For those who advocate mass migration, the idea of white Europeans being replaced demographically is either inevitable and/or something to be celebrated and encouraged.

However, anyone who suggests that importing millions of people from different cultures will change the host country in a negative way is branded a “racist” by the media at best, with some even being monstered as terrorist sympathizers.

Source: Summit.News


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