Feminists From All Over the World to Send President Trump a “Classy” Gift

According to On Mogul’s website, “classy” women are sending Donald Trump a message in the form of a giant vagina filled with letters from women. The #ReadMyLips campaign spans 24 universities, and has the support of confused women all over the world.

“We wanted this to be a gift that he would be excited about receiving, but in a very classy, classy, classy—I can’t express classy enough—way,” said Mogul’s Bethany Heinrich.

Mogul is collecting messages on its website to print out and put in the large replica vagina and said they want to deliver the package on April 22, which happens to be Earth Day.

“Young women are the future, I always say that,” said Juli Szaller, another vice president at Mogul who handles operations and growth. “It’s really important for them that their voices are being heard. And it should be important for us. We should listen.”

“Just because Trump is our president doesn’t mean we are not entitled to say what we think,” said Christie Hartono, a student at Stanford University, who is participating in the campaign.

Heinrich hopes the large vagina will “drive the point home for him in a good, fun way.” “And I hope that he has a sense of humor,” she added. “I really hope he enjoys it.”

India Today called the idea “all sorts of genius.”


“Yes, we aren’t bluffing. An initiative both creative and genius, #ReadMyLips, wants Donald Trump’s attention, and it wants it now,” the outlet reported.

Mogul recruited a former Saturday Night Live “specialty-prop fabricator” to create the large vagina, the Huffington Post reported.

This is almost too hard to make fun of because they’re basically making fun of themselves. What makes them think that President Trump would be happy about receiving a giant vagina? Doesn’t that actually objectify women? Mr. Trump, why are you so mean? What is feminism? Liberals have no idea what they believe.

Source: freebeacon.com




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