FBI Reportedly Planning To Interview Hillary Clinton Over Her Email Server

FBI Reportedly Planning To Interview Hillary Clinton Over Her Email Server

At long last, the mainstream media has acknowledged that Hillary Clinton’s past indiscretions are finally catching up with her just months away from the Democratic convention.

With Bernie Sanders all but defeated in the primary, it seems that the former Secretary of State is going to cruise onwards to the party’s nomination from here on out. However, as CNN of all people reported, Hillary is about to have a very big wrench throw her way.

After speaking with several of her personal aides, the FBI is reportedly getting ready to interview Clinton for it’s nine month-long investigation into allegations that she used her personal email server to receive classified information. The total number of emails said to have contained such info is estimated to be over 2,000.

If the allegations are true, Hillary will almost certainly be indicted and taken to court by the feds, effectively derailing her bid for the presidency.

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