FBI Allows Contamination of Crime Scene in San Bernardino, Following a Pattern

FBI Screws Up

Only 48 hours after the murderous spree by the couple, and little more than a day looking through the condo and the belongings of the husband and wife, the FBI locked the house, turned the keys over to the landlord, and walked away. No crime tape, no finger prints, no careful sifting of all the items inside for clues about other contacts or other evidence. The landlord then handed the keys over to reporters who trampled through the house, destroying any evidenciary value it might have had with a more careful investigation. TV news carried it live, and it was unbelievable! It is so shocking, so unexpected that the FBI would conduct such an important investigation in such a cursory way, that it invites one to speculate why there would be so little interest in something so incredibly important. After all, it was not known if the couple was in contact with other terrorist cells, so looking at all the clues inside the home could potentially provide information on a person or persons that might be preparing a similar rampage somewhere else in the nation. Instead, crickets from the Feds.

Then again, the Obama administration seems intent on calling other Islamic terror activities anything but Islamic terror. It appears to be a pattern, and it is worrisome. When a teenage Muslim boy took a disassembled clock to school that looked like a bomb, with wires and pieces jumbled into a briefcase, there were some who rightly expressed concern that it was a bomb, and they called the authorities. Obama invited the boy to the White House and lectured the nation nation about Islamophobia. He is lecturing the nation now about the need for gun control or confiscation instead of recognizing the husband and wife team as the Islamic terrorists that they were. There are also the investigations into Osama Bin Laden’s compound and the Benghazi disaster where a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed by an Islamic terror mob. The same lackadaisical evidence collecting and preserving method was observed in those cases, as recounted here from Breitbart.com

The Obama administration is careless about, or is reluctant to find, evidence of terrorism.

For example, the government has done almost nothing with the treasure trove of intelligence information it recovered during the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in May 2011. Stephen F. Hayes of the Weekly Standard has waged a lonely battle to force the government to take the intelligence seriously–intelligence that could disrupt terror networks and prevent future attacks around the world. “They haven’t done anything close to a full exploitation,” perhaps only 10%, he quoted one analyst in May 2015.

The following year, after the Benghazi terror attack–which the Obama administration insisted was a protest over a YouTube video–the FBI arrived on the scene several weeks later, after terrorists and curious locals had enjoyed the opportunity to roam the scene and remove or change whatever they wanted. Fox News reported on Oct. 5, 2012 that an FBI team had waited for weeks before visiting the consulate, and that they stayed only briefly. (To this day, Democrats insist a video explanation was plausible.)

As events related to Islamic terrorism mount and the Obama administration continues redirect, to focus on things like Global Warming and gun control, it becomes more and more difficult to believe that this president is merely a disinterested party, and much easier to believe that he is a Muslim terror sympathizer and facilitator who represents great danger to this country. He is quite simply dragging this country down, and the various Federal agencies along with it.

Source: www.breitbart.com



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