FBI Agents Required to Read ‘Clinton Cash’ Before Involvement with Hillary Clinton’s Server Investigation

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich is the first of its kind, as it “meticulously scrutinized donations” that the Clinton Foundation received from both foreign individuals and foreign governments, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Written by New York Times bestselling author, Breitbart News editor, and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer, the book was referred to as the  “most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle,” according to the New York Times.

During a panel discussion hosted by Judicial Watch, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Colombia Joseph diGenova said reading Clinton Cash is the first thing FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s private email server are told to do.

Judicial Watch has sued the federal government in its pursuit to recover documents and information concerning the multiple email accounts and the private server that then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her aids used to conduct official government business while she was in office.

The heat is on and Hillary may want to change out of her pantsuit into something more comfortable, perhaps an orange jump suit, and her best efforts to deceptively cover-up her criminal behavior will eventually catch up to her.

Source: Breitbuart




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