Ex-Marine Blows Whistle on Syria Situation

Due to the current refugee crisis in Europe, O’Keefe’s interview is once again circling the Internet, reminding people that the American government aren’t the heroes history carves them out to be.

Keefe rants about the hypocrisy of the West, who are arming terrorist organizations in the name of ‘freedom’ for civilians in geo-politically strategic countries while turning a blind eye to vile human rights abuses in countries like Saudi Arabia. The only people who still fall for all this crap, Keefe passionately points out, are “bought-off prostitutes [our politicians] or the dumbest of the dumb.”

In short, this is a video you should consider sharing with anyone you know who is still under the illusion that the USA and Britain are doing good in the world, anyone who doesn’t believe the ‘conspiracy theory’ that 9/11 (or Syria, or Libya, or Afghanistan or Iraq) were not orchestrated attacks to further a sinister long-term goal of controlling the Middle East, and anyone who believes that the desperate refugees fleeing these countries we have systematically destroyed have no right to seek help from their oppressors in Europe and North America- after all, without Western imperialism, we wouldn’t have any refugees in the first place

While O’Keefe might be a little more passionate in his rants than most people are willing to get when arguing the subject, he speaks a lot of truth. The American government acts as the world’s protectors, but there isn’t anything noble about what they do when it’s all politically motivated.

Source: trueactivist.com




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