In his latest demonetization of guns and infringement upon our rights, Eric Holder suggested that gun owners should either have to wear a bracelet that communicates with their gun for it to operate, or have some sort of fingerprint identification.
This is really just rhetoric to further demonize guns and gun owners and is another step in their fantasy to implement gun registration, which would have to happen in order for this to be implemented.
Put on handcuffs to all liars And crooked guys like Eric
Maybe if Attorney General Holder did his job,people would get off his ass. But he has not done his job,all he does is stonewall,it’s like not having a Attorney General,it even makes Janet Reno look good.
We have both the Attorney General Holder,and,the President Obama,acting like victim’s again,and ,playing the Race card again. Democrat love to blame everyone for their failings,instead of taking responsibility for their own actions,or, should say in-actions. They make themselves always being the victims,by the big bad Wolves Republicans. Wah! Wah1 Wah!.
Holder should wear a noose around his neck
NO—-THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK. obammy and upholder is fighting every inch to not have VOTER I.D. and they want to do this? They are crazier then the worst people that goes on a shooting spree. Race is all about obammy and upholder. They use is every time they open their mouths. They are the ones that are promoting it. Martin L. King must be rolling and rolling in his grave for all the racist things they do. We did not have very much of it until 5-6 years ago. WE THE PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS DO NOT LIKE THEIR TYPE OF GOVERNMENT WHICH IS SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST, SHARIA LAW AND LYING, UNTRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO THE USA.
How about a tracking braclet for Holder, AFTER he’s been released from his lengthy PRISON sentence for all sorts of criminal offenses while he was AG ???
Holder is NOT Listening ! ! ! Americans want this “High Level” Of Security for “VOTING ” Laws ! ! ! ; We already have A Second Amendment That Governs Americans The RIGHTS To Defend Ourselves From A Tyrannical, and Destructive Government…
Holder would not make a pimple on an Americans ass.