One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
what a joke.
So forced to swallow the climate change theory while the EPA is front row and center for poisoning the planet and everyone on it. What a$#%&!@*show!
She knew about the lead in the water in flint Michigan and was told she should resign
Like what you did in Flint, Michigan?
May it begin with the EPA upper echelon and complicit members of congress.
down sizing the panic on the way out so they can ramp it up again next election year!
Did they do a study on all of their own spills? Oh I forgot that their spills clean themselves up.
Roflmao….aww c’mon….you posted a million times how wrong and useless the EPA is… about you pick one ?? If you’re not careful, these Morons are going to start wizing up…..
Are they going to kill Americans with what they put in the air around us? Are they going to put something bad in our water? Are they going to have a Weather Warfare with Tesla Technology that the Government stole and proof of that is a letter from California saying they are going to use Weather Warfare there. Look it up – the date says 2016. Or are they going to use Monsanto to kill thousands, if not millions. Or are they going to bring on something from the CDC and affect people? The EPA should be eliminated and those that want Americans to die should be in prison or hung for Treason.
Epa should be done away with they put a strangel hold on buissnes n ineffective