When the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed, a bill that mandates ethanol fuel blending, there was supposed to be a report issued to Congress every three years, discussing the effects ethanol had on the environment and the economy. However, this has not happened according to the Inspector General for the EPA, after being pressed by the Associated Press regarding these studies. The agency just ignored the instructions.
The Act was signed by President Bush, but the implementation and the follow-up studies fell squarely on Obama Administration’s shoulders. AP discovered that the administration never did the studies to see whether the water and air quality had benefited from “adding the corn-based ethanol to gasoline”.
This new audit verified that the Obama administration, in failing to do the study of ethanol and making certain that these new regulations did not create more problems in other areas making them worse, while only addressing one.
Read the rest of the story on the next page.
EPA should be abolished, they are just allowing our destruction
Not to get all political and$#%&!@* they shut down the lead plant in Missouri, now we buy it from China, they sucked the oil out of Dakota and left bad water, also Colorado and California, reopened the uranium mines in Colorado and polluted it there, sold out the country to the Iranian government, shipped more jobs to cheap labor countries and took away work here. Bringing in refugees to take the jobs that are left, gave druggies free medical and food…..
And I promised to not get political on this Facebook anymore…I guess I have been taking lessons from the government…. I lied.
I did research paper on this topic 5 years ago for my an envruonmental studies class. Based upon the research at that time it cost more to produce (ethanol from corn) and significantly lowered gas mileage, in addition to being bad for engines. My opinion based on my own research from punished materials at that time if I can avoid buying it I do. In I cannot avoid I only buy gas with additives to counter act the damage. (Chevron, Texaco, 76) in addition my mechanic also recommended (independently) the same.
Here’s a more in-depth article covering this… http://www.factcheck.org/2015/11/ethanol-higher-emissions-or-lower/
After doing my OWN research I just would like to point out two things:- 1. Yes, the EPA missed their last report deadline of 2014 but did issue a report in 2011. 2. If you read the OIG report yourself (https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-08/documents/_epaoig_20160818-16-p-0275.pdf) here is the link. You will see that studying air quality is INCREDIBLY COMPLICATED that a mandatory “three year” report deadline to Congress is a bit simplistic if you want to gather meaningful data and have a meaningful analysis.
We could fuel the planet with the biofuel that comes from the Obama Administration BS.