In typical furtive fashion, the EPA has just dropped a massive regulation upon the coal industry right before Christmas. The EPA just finalized the nation’s first federal coal ash rule, which it states it did in response to the 2008 spill by the Tennessee Valley Authority in Kingston, TN after the company’s coal ash pond failed to contain the toxic waste.
What they are doing is and has been illegal. Stop them and put the management in prison. Make sure these regulations are reversed after the new representatives are sworn into to office. Obama is also on the list of perverts and terrorists. That is exactly what is going on.
the employment prevention agency is going to bank rupt this country if we don’t shut them down
The EPA is nothing more than another corrupt revenue agency of our corrupt government, their job is nothing more than keeping the money wheel turning, as all arms of our corrupt government. Which is the only reason our government has over grown to the size that it has. These people are not the solution, they are the problem.
We have got to eliminate this job killing agency.
The EPA will crush COAL before the next presidential election. You are sawing off the limb you sit on, Democrats. We may be fat in oil now, but it is not a sure thing to last forever. If we have another oil shortage in the future–THEN WHAT???????
ODama again.
Obama still trying to put more people in the poor house.this is his butt crazy idea