Elizabeth Warren Threatens Trump with Getting ‘Nasty’

The video is entitled “Crazy Fake Indian Threatens Trump:  You ain’t seen nasty yet!” and shows Elizabeth Warren on stage reading from her favorite piece of literature, “A Fighting Chance” by Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, her own book.

The best part of the video is it’s thankfully short (only 22 seconds) but there’s enough there to tell you everything you need to know about “Faux-cahontas” and that is, she’s one of the “nasty women” and they are not going to take the election of Donald Trump sitting down.

The agenda is clear and concise.  It’s almost like a witch’s recipe for a spell, right from the Weird Sisters of “MacBeth.”

In the poison’d entrails throw.
    Toad, that under cold stone,
    Days and nights has thirty-one;
    Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
    Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot!
     ALL.  Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

All the ingredients that the nasty women add into the cauldron reflect their resentment, their visceral, seething hatred for Donald Trump and all his officials and supporters.  The nasty women’s ingredients are as follows:

  1. Tell the public before the election that absolutely no women will vote for him
  2. When polls are not showing a decided shift in women, release the Trump audio of him saying the “P-Word”
  3. Act outraged and accuse him of misogyny…over and over and over again.
  4. Get a Latino beauty pageant contestant/porn star to vouch for his ill treatment of women
  5. Have Hillary accuse him of sexism
  6. After election loss, jump on all women who voted for Trump by delegitimizing them because they’re White
  7. Accuse Trump of having no women in his Cabinet and transition team
  8. Delegitimize Kellyanne Conway’s achievements by saying she is corrupt
  9. Call all women who are in Trump’s inner circle prisoners
  10. Announce that Melania Trump is a battered woman
  11. Repeat #5
  12. Repeat #3

And there it is:  the Nasty Women cauldron recipe for the destruction of the Trump presidency.  Just add a pinch of exasperation over Trump tweets and a gallon of perspiration (because Liberal women naturally sweat more than regular normal women) and stir vigorously until it turns a cool rainbow color.  Bottle that outrage and sell it through the mainstream media outlets and *presto!* you’ve got yourself a movement led by Elizabeth Warren and her Witches of East Harwich.

Warren was last spotted in Salem, Massachusetts at Ye’ Olde Potions Shoppe on the West Side of the village.  Just follow the painted yellow line through town when you visit and you’re bound to run into her and a few of her old friends:  Hillary, Nancy, Andrea, Maureen, Diane, Barbara, and Lena as they listen to Warren reading from Chapter 5 of her book, “Me and My Arrow, or How I Endured the Right Wing Media Scrutiny of My Harvard Years.”

Sounds like a party of nasty women even Michael Moore could be proud to attend.

Rock on, nasty ladies!



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