Dutch Party Leader: We Must ‘De-Islamize the West’, “We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”

In a trend not dissimilar to the meteoric rise of Donald Trump in the United States, strongly conservative parties have gained popularity—and seats in parliaments—over the last several years.  From London to Glasgow, from Madrid to Paris, and from Copenhagen to Brussels, Islamic jihadists have laid siege to Europe like nothing since the Third Reich.

Therefore, it is no surprise that many Europeans have turned to elected officials they feel will implement policies that will keep them safe.  A recent article by ZeroHedge further explores the chaos in Europe.  After running through the litany of recent Islamist attacks in Europe, Wilders had this to say:

“Returned Syria fighters are a huge threat. They are dangerous predators roaming our streets. It is absolutely unbelievable that our governments allow them to return. And it is incredible that, once returned, they are not imprisoned.”

“In the Netherlands, we have dozens of these returned jihadists. Our government allows most of them to freely walk our streets and refuses to lock them up. I demand that they be detained at once. Every government in the West, which refuses to do so, is a moral accessory if one of these monsters commits an atrocity.”

“The government must also close our national borders. The European Union’s Schengen zone, where no border controls are allowed, is a catastrophe.”

Unfortunately for Mr. Wilders, and those seeking a more secure Europe, conservative parties remain in the minority in most European countries and find it difficult to affect change in their respective nations.  With the 2016 US presidential election coming up, however, it may not be too late for the United States.

Source: Zero Hedge



    • Karma

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