Dr. Carson Comments on Obama Reaction if Oregon Shooter Targeted Muslims

“He would have had a seizure over it,” the retired neurosurgeon said.

Yes, Dr. Carson is observant enough to know that Obama is about as Christian as an ISIS fighter. As for Obama’s refusal to even address the shooter’s apparent anti-Christian motive, Dr. Carson concluded that such a reaction is par for the course for Obama.

“Remember,” Carson added, “he’s been very reticent to mention Christians in the Middle East who are being massacred as well.”

The fact that Obama “has so much trouble actually articulating the words,” he concluded, “does make you wonder a little bit.”

As the interview veered away from the massacre’s religious aspect, Dr. Carson lamented Obama’s knee-jerk political advocacy of stricter gun control, ignoring the human tragedy in favor of a personal agenda.

“This is not an issue of the gun,” Dr. Carson asserted, “it’s an issue of the gunman — and we need to start looking at what are the characteristics of these people.”

Source: Western Journalism

Watch the delicious video below to enjoy all of Dr. Carson’s well spoken comments. It is no wonder that he is surging at the polls.



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