Recently on Fox News Radio, Dr. Ben Carson called out Obama
“Don’t you think it is reasonable for people who are seeking public office or are in public office to allow people to see what they’re getting and to expose their past record,” asked Carson.
“What you said is fair,” Fox host Alan Colmes replied. “But you just said a few moments ago, would you have the same reaction were it a white person versus a black person; no white president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.”
Carson again asked: “But has there been anybody else who has had a shroud of secrecy around their records like this?”
Sabrina, seriously? That “birth certificate” was as phony as obama is. Even obama admits he was born in Kenya.
I’m more concerned with his school transcripts and whether he received assistance because he was a forget student. If he lied, that a felony and makes him ineligible to hold the office of president.
Guess we could all be stupid like RICK Harline. Ignorant fuk
If a real President were to be elected which I doubt then bankers would take him out like JFK
Anyone watch the movie Total Recall? There is a subliminal message that is fast that has Obama’s mug shot that has his real title underneath. It says United British Federation. You see he works for global bankers out of London. He was hand picked by them.
People have forgotten how much the lamestream media has dug into the pasts of every white Republican president.
Obama’s a fraud. Everyone that tries to investigate him ends up dead
He obviously has something to hide. It should fall under public records
Never happen, no one has guts to go after them?
I hate that black bastards. Who screws over our vets n they sacrificed the ultimate for us n this happens to them he shld b eating a dollar combo meal instead of filet N $#%&!@* he’s a total disgrace he was not born n USA it is Kenya n his brothers n all r fighting against us I hope y’all r very proud of who y’all putt our lives n the future lives of our children n grandchildren Impeach him now n Hillary also for the scandals n Banghazi $#%&!@* that Muslim piece of $#%&!@* n he said he’s running for a third term y’all $#%&!@*ing must b stupid n retorted r something for sure