Donny Deutsch on Trump: “He is a Racist. Can We Just Say It Once and For All”

Donny Deutsch on Trump: “He is a Racist. Can We Just Say It Once and For All”

The schoolyard bully is back and crying louder than ever before as he was once again slapped around by President Donald Trump.

Donny Deutsch, favorite of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski just because he is proud to make an ass out of himself every moment he’s on the air, decided to start shooting off his mouth again about the president.  This is nothing new for the man who used to be a woman (at least I think he was…he does have a nice manicure and seems a bit too comfortable with that makeup counter at MSNBC).

Deutsch may have a man-crush on the president, as much as Nancy Pelosi and her unrequited infatuation with George W. Bush, but it’s Deutsch who is having a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that the president is just not reciprocating the love.

The faux-political commentator had a very tough time growing up…the lone son in a family of 16 sisters, it was tough going early on, what with being dressed up in quaint petticoats and stockings.  In fact, it was in these early years that the nickname of “Long Stockings” came to be during his elementary school days.  After a brief stint as a fish cleaner in lower Manhattan, Deutsch found his fortune (and lost it again) in illegal dice gambling in back allies.  “Donny was never really good at games,” Minnie Reynolds, his third grade teacher remembers.  “He was constantly sick from all the medicine he had to take as a child and his mother would often force him to wear a dreadful bonnet to school.”  The teacher giggled heartily.  “It was awful and the other kids were relentless.  Particularly the boys.”

As you can see, Deutsch never really found acceptance anywhere in life…until MSNBC, that is.  The hapless weather boy finally found his calling when he was asked to fill in for the sick anchor, Rob “The Job” Hazelton, and the rest is history.

Turn the page to find out why Deutsch just lost it on Donald Trump and how that tirade may have cost him even Minnie Reynolds’ support!

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  1. Roger Reeve

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