Donald Trump delivered a triumphant speech to a joint session of congress this week — and Democrats don’t quite know how to react.
After a month of highly controversial decisions and pointed rhetoric, many expected Trump to continue his attacks on the left and the press. Instead, Trump delivered what might be his most optimistic and unifying speech to date.
His began with a tribute to Black History Month and segued swiftly into a condemnation of hate incidents across the nation. Throughout this remarks, Trump committed to policies to popular Democrat policies — lowering the artificially high cost of medicine, increasing access to healthcare, and a massive increase in infrastructure spending.
Trump hit his usual conservative talking points, too, but the biggest takeaway of the speech was definitely the olive branch he seemed to offer the Democrat party.
But those Democrats came in ready to protest — and were obviously caught off-guard by the president’s bipartisan tone.
See how Democrats reacted to Trump’s big speech on the next page:
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I think he did a great job on his speech. Too bad the dumocrats turned a deaf ear except trying to find something to grab on and create another false folley.
Cimpoca,cum spuneam si mai sus, am avut privilegiul sa cunosc oameni deosebiti, nobili care mi-au marcat cresterea si care m-au ajutat sa ma descopar ca om. Fara ei, cararea vietii ar fi fost intr-adevar mai trista. Eu am vrut sa accentuez ca in prezent nu se mai acorda atentie nobletii, mai ales celei sufletesti, din pacate. Se alearga intr-un du-te vino ametitor si se uita esSrua.ealttani noului membru al familiei din Irlanda si voua, sufletelor nobile din jur! Aveti grija sa-i ocrotiti zborul! 🙂