Donald Trump’s Critical Job: Keep the US out of WWIII

Mr. Obama had this odd tendency to bow before foreign leaders.  One has to wonder what that was all about.  If he was trying to show some sort of respect, he sure picked a peculiar way of doing it.  And no doubt the White House staff is filled with “protocol experts” whose entire dreary job is to make sure that sort of thing goes off properly without ruffling feathers.  Anyway, it may just have to go down as one of those things that we never figure out.

What we can know for sure, however, is that he did a very poor job with foreign affairs.  Granted, he didn’t have much to work with having chosen Clinton then Kerry to serve as secretaries of state.  Hillary just used the job as a personal fund-raising vehicle for pouring millions into the Clinton Foundation.  Kerry?  Well, we’re not sure what he was doing.

Overseeing all of this incompetence and malfeasance was the president himself, who distinguished himself for the setting of firm “red lines” which promptly got moved or forgotten when violated.  He did get along with groups like the UN which shared his goal of weakening America.

After the ministrations of this collection of foreign policy “experts,” it’s a wonder that those in foreign lands don’t laugh when they see our flag show up.

But back to the issue of avoiding WWIII.

Keeping us out of WWIII will be President Trump’s hardest task due to the weakness of the Obama years.  Those years of retreating from world leadership have placed America, and the world, in a crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the acquiescence of Neville Chamberlin to Adolf Hitler prior to WWII.  The result of weakness and pulling back from leadership, in both cases, leaves a void that will quickly be filled by zealots and tyrants.

Certainly if there is a power void , it won’t be left unfilled for long.

It seems that the author of our source article, Joe Rangonese, is rather fatalistic regarding a possible war with China.  Let’s hope he is wrong on that.  In fact, he sees a world that is very close to the tipping point wherein WWIII would be inevitable.

The threats remain and are real.  And it is difficult to argue with Mr. Rangonese on the following point:

President Trump does not have the luxury of time to rebuild our military and reputation worldwide. World events are overtaking him even before he is sworn into office. He will have to do a political dance to stave off WWIII while rebuilding our military and our infrastructure, including business and revitalize the economy. All three must be done if we are to have any chance at staving off WWIII. Eight years of Obama have placed America in a dangerous situation that only a strong leader can repair.

We can live with WWIII perpetually being in the future tense.  Given the weapons available to fight it, should it become a present reality, there may not be many left to write about it as history.

Source:  US Defense Watch



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