Donald Trump Plans to Bring Back Torture

Coming from the guy who said he wanted to kill Snowden, We wouldn’t expect Trump to be much of a libertarian-leaning guy. And we’d be right, according to Vox:

Donald Trump opened the door to torturing terrorism suspects if he’s elected president, telling ABC News Sunday that waterboarding “doesn’t sound very severe” given the barbarism of ISIS.

Here’s what Trump said in a telephone interview with ABC’s Jonathan Karl.

JON KARL: Would President Trump authorize waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques, even torture?

DONALD TRUMP: I would be inclined to be very strong. When people are chopping off other people’s heads and then we’re worried about waterboarding and we can’t because … I have no doubt that that works. I have absolutely no doubt.

JON KARL: So you’d bring back water-boarding?

DONALD TRUMP: You mentioned waterboarding, which was such a big subject. I haven’t heard that term in a year now, because when you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn’t sound very severe.

Mr. Trump needs to do some fact checking. Waterboarding has never worked, failing to yield any reliable data. It’s the needless torture of other human beings that doesn’t even produce anything beneficial. If he’s running for president he should know that.

Source: Vox



  1. labman57

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