The Democrats are determined to swell the roles of Democrat voters by hook or by crook. That includes keeping criminal immigrants and illegal aliens in the U.S. to commit more crimes by establishing sanctuary cities and not reporting illegal aliens who commit crimes, which is quite simply a violation of federal law. The Obama administration has corrupted the Department of Justice so that it is just another arm of the Left, which will naturally lead to cynicism and distrust among citizens regarding a federal department that should be scrupulously non-political and honest. At least in a recent decision, the Inspector General of the Justice Department is willing to recognize the law regarding criminals in the U.S.
Department of Justice in violation of immigration law, page 2:
Philadelphia a sanctuary now thanks to mayor Kenney and in turn the city lost some federal funding to become one then taxed the soda industry to make up the lost claiming its for the kids and schools what a joke
Sounds like some folks didn’t understand their oaths of office or their job description. If your not going to do your job, then it is up to the people to remove them.
How is that, if I harbor a criminal at my house I can be arrested so how can they not hold these cities responsible for harboring illegals who have committed crimes.
well the ag is a democrat why are you surprised.
Any lawyer can tell u that! Read immigration law, start arresting the sob’s , oh the u s attorney general , but not for long!!!!! Yippee