DOJ Forces “Implicit Bias” Training to Destigmatize Black Criminals

Acknowledging the simple fact that minorities commit more crimes than whites is no longer acceptable, according to the Justice Department. Despite the fact that it’s true, apparently its also racist.

The U.S. Justice Department announced on Monday that more than 33,000 federal agents and prosecutors will receive training aimed at preventing unconscious bias from influencing their law enforcement decisions.

The training will bring Justice Department employees in line with many local police departments across the country that have implemented bias prevention plans following a spate of shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

Nationwide protests following those shootings blamed police bias for unnecessary use of force against minorities.

The department had been criticized for not developing its own policies to combat bias after recommending local police do so at the direction of a task force created by President Barack Obama after riots in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.

In a memo to Justice Department employees, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said the program targets “implicit biases” – subtle, unconscious stereotypes or characterizations nearly everyone makes about certain groups of people.

It’s funny how desperately liberals cling to their talking points on racism. Yes, African-Americans make up a comparatively large portion of the prison population. So do men, but you won’t see any “implicit bias” training against them being forced by Obama.

Source: Reuters



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