DJT: Muslims, Immigrants Will Be Expected To Assimilate Under My Presidency

DJT: Muslims, Immigrants Will Be Expected To Assimilate Under My Presidency

In an era where political correctness and mindless multiculturalism maintain a stranglehold over discussions of policy and security, Donald Trump’s willingness to speak his mind is a breath of fresh air.

Not only is it a breath of fresh air to hear a candidate for public office speak honestly, but it is also a relief to hear one offer real solutions to real problems. Just earlier today, Trump did something that President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and any number of high-ranking Democrats have failed to do: name radical Islam as a threat, if not the chief threat, to America today.

Recognizing the nature of the enemy and the ease with which its operatives and sympathizers have infiltrated European countries all too eager to believe the best of their new wards, the Republican candidate has declared that as president he would do everything in his power to make sure that those admitted into the country assimilate into it.

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