When presidential hopefuls start finding themselves in the public eye, most have their fair share of skeletons in their closet that eventually get uncovered. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, seems to have an entire graveyard lurking behind that door. Following her career is like connecting the dots from one scandal to the next. If you’ve been watching the news lately, you know that the latest issue she’s come under fire for revolves around an email server, which was recently found in a bathroom closet in a condo in Denver, CO.
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The unknown comments of Hillary doesnt compare to 8 years of known comments by bush.
PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison
Prison for obstruction of justice, destroying and tampering with evidence, subversion and espionage directed against America…….
Who is comparing? She is still a lying shack of c**p! Bush, he was no better! We must stop this,we dresser was better.
She needs to be put in prison on all that she has done and lied about also as killing the 4 overseas that ask for help.Don’t put her in a special prison put her in a harden prison with the tugs like she is.
Even MSNBC??