If you haven’t taken the time to give Diamond and Silk a listen, do it now. These ladies shoot straight from the hip and call a spade… well in this case, Hillary Clinton, a spade and an insult to white people.
In there July 15, 2016, video, they ream Hillary for being exactly the white person that she says, “needs to do a better job at listening to African Americans”.
Silk begins her rant, saying, “Thank you Donald Trump and coming out and speaking the way you spoke on this matter. He spoke in a manner of unity, peace and balance, is how he spoke. He did not take sides, he spoke in unity. This is something we all have to get together and work out. That’s the type of President we need, someone who is going to be a unifier….”
Diamond jumped in a agreed saying, “Yeah, not like Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton put the blame on white people.”
View the fantastic dialogue between Diamond and Silk regarding Hillary’s white people hypocrisy on the following page.
how can any stupid black vote for hillary or any democrat when she woships margeret sanger and the kkk
Ladies, you are an inspiration…
I admire both of these girls. Can you even begin to imagine the heat they get for being Conservative Americans who stand against corruption?
Diamonds a liar to start with she faked the whole thing about her boyfriend not being a criminal when she was smoking dope with him and the baby in there!!!!its funny how nicely dressed she is since the incident!!!!
Good for you ladies!!
i love you ladies ! thank you for your great words of encouragement and truth !!