Democrat Shirley Jackson Lee Kneels in Congress in “Honor” of NFL

To say that Lee (who really should resign based on that name alone…after all, didn’t ESPN have a cow over another Lee sports commentator?) is an ardent supporter of the far Left is really an understatement.  This is the same woman who in 2010 decided to bring the power of the very racist Attorney General Eric Holder to bear against the local chapters of the Tea Party because she claimed they were out in droves intimidating Black and Hispanic voters from doing their civic duty.  Holder and Obama dutifully responded by sending dozens of poll-observers to the area to police it just in case those evil flag-waving grandmothers and children were seen hanging about the polling places with nightsticks and side arms…oh, wait…that was the Black Panthers in Philadelphia, right?

In the 110th Congress, she was a member of the House Science Committee and had a hand in later ensuring that Obama mandated that NASA “reach out to the Muslim community.”  Yeah, that was magical.

She is a huge advocate of restoring the ability of the Pentagon to sell F-16 fighter jet parts to the Venezuelans because they are a “friendly nation;” this of course is the same “friendly nation” whose Communist dictator, Nicholas Maduro, is currently killing his own people and unilaterally deciding government policies after doing away with its constitution and supreme court.  Oh yes, very friendly.

Lee is a woman who ardently maintains that North Vietnam is a nation at peace with its southern neighbor.  “Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side.”  The same North Vietnam that is selling its young girls in the sex slave trade and starving its people to feed its wealthy dictatorship.

Needless to say, she doesn’t have a very good track record when it comes to make “sane and measured” decisions or statements.  On the House floor last night, Lee made some very heinous and out-of-context comments about our president (obviously not HER president)!

Monday night on the House floor, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) knelt down in protest to President Donald Trump’s comments about NFL players kneeling or the national anthem.

Jackson Lee said, “There is no basis in the First Amendment that says you cannot kneel on the national anthem or in front of the flag.”

After kneeling, Jackson Lee continued, “The dishonoring of their mothers by calling for the firing of the son of a B —You tell which of those children’s mothers is a son of a B? That is racism. You cannot deny it; you cannot run from it. And I kneel in honor of them. I kneel in front of the flag and on this floor, I kneel in honor of the First Amendment, I kneel because the flag is a symbol for freedom, I kneel because I am going to stand against racism, I kneel because I will stand with those young men and I’ll stand with our soldiers, and I’ll stand with America because I kneel.”

And so, there it is.  If you are in awe of these rich, spoiled, little millionaire brats who are playing a child’s game for their occupation, then you should be bowing or kneeling in “honor of them” because we are just pale imitations of their greatness and superiority.  In comparison to their steely will to carry on in the face of all that money in their paychecks and their $45K SUVs and $6M mansions, we are mere worms and should grovel at the feet of the masters of moral high ground!

By all means, Misrepresentative Lee, invoke the spirit of the great American Football Gods and call on them to bless their souls and curse the day that a scum like Donald Trump deigned to believe that he could have an opinion all his own.  The nerve!

All I gotta say is, thank the Lord that these idiot Jackass members continue to be useful idiots for the Leftist machine that has a string of losses longer than that of the Detroit Lions.  Keep ’em comin’, Lefties.  We’re getting pretty darned comfortable in the majority!

Source:  Breitbart



  1. Bill Tippit Jr.

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