Demands for Resignation of Black Councilwoman for Calling Out Black-on-Black Crime

When someone who is “supposed to be” on the left’s side and (s)he commits the grave crime of being conservative, the response from liberals is swift and merciless.  San Diego city councilwoman Myrtle Cole discovered this the hard way after calling upon other African-Americans to take responsibility for some of the issues plaguing black communities.

Black on black crime is an issue, and that was never addressed. That’s why when someone says, ‘Do you think there is racial profiling?’ Yeah, because blacks are shooting blacks. They’re not going to stop a white male. They’re not going to stop an Hispanic male or an Asian. They’re going to stop an African-American. That’s what they’re going to stop because those are the ones that are shooting. …

A month or so, in front of my district on Euclid and Market a black man stopped another black man and shot him in the car. So who did they go and look for? They’re going to look for African-Americans who look like the person that was the shooter. And so that’s why we can address black on black crime in our community. I think we would be better off than saying there’s racial profiling. Yeah there is because they’re stopping blacks who shoot blacks. Let’s first deal with black on black crime. Let’s have a meeting on that so we can try and prevent our children from getting murdered and our black children from shooting other black children. That’s what we need to stop.

And that hopefully we will be addressing the racial profiling also. And if there’s a police officer that pulls over another individual 52 times in a year or so, that’s racial profiling. There’s something wrong with that. We have not gone that far yet because I’m making sure that we don’t go to that point.

Although faced with intense backlash, Cole insists that she has no plans to resign — despite offering an apology for her remarks last week.  Activist groups are already organizing protests outside Cole’s district office.



Source: San Diego Union-Tribune



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