Dem Lawmaker: We Don’t Want To Confiscate Guns, We Want To ‘Seize’ Them

Tucker Carlson of Fox News is relentless in exposing liberal lies and forcing leftists to tell the truth on his show. We need more of such news anchors scattered across the media. Then maybe we could make some progress. Yet, for now, let’s be certain to support the good guys who are exposing the truth.

Tucker Carlson points to the stupidity of the left using children as their voice of wisdom in solving the problems of mass shootings. He mocks their foolishness and dishonesty, saying, “All that stands between the broken, chaotic country we live in and the peaceful utopia of the future is a very small group of very evil people, mostly Republicans.”

He points to the vicious, irresponsible comments of Brown Shirt leader David Hogg who said, “There are some sick f**kers out there who want to sell more guns, murder more children and honestly, just get reelected.” He also quoted another of the protesting punks who said at the gun confiscation rally on Saturday, “If you take money from the NRA you have chosen death.”

Carlson says, “So it’s all pretty straightforward. If the NRA wasn’t so blindly committed to killing children, if they didn’t enjoy murder for its own sake, we wouldn’t have school shootings in the first place, it’s that simple. Speakers at the march told us that repeatedly and the media dutifully amplified that message.”

Those speakers at that preposterous rally are wrong. Do they know they are wrong and are just so in love with their compulsion to eliminate private ownership of guns that they’ll say anything if they think it will support their point? Or are they just that stupid? Either way, Carlson puts up with no nonsense.

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