Ellen DeGeneres Gushes At Hillary: You Are ‘Everything I Want In A President’

Of course, such a discussion would not be complete without a mention of how hard Hillary has it being a woman. Yes, a former cabinet member of the most powerful nation in the world believes that she is somehow oppressed. She said as much to DeGeneres, telling her that, “it still is hard to be a woman running for president.” Gee, if self-pity and self-delusion are everything that Ellen “want[s] in a president,” she’s definitely found her candidate.

‘You must be taking selfies like crazy,’ DeGeneres told Clinton before bringing up an image of the candidate’s selfie with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West taken at a Los Angeles fundraiser last year. ‘[Kardashian] always has the same selfie face, do you have a selfie face now?’

‘I don’t,’ Clinton replied, before describing her fascination with the reality TV star’s photo-snapping technique.

‘She takes out her phone and she presses the button; I’ve never seen this anywhere else – she pulls it out, it has lights all the way around it, like, little tiny, tiny lightbulbs,’ Clinton said.

‘I saw her phone, it makes you look better,’ DeGeneres joked.

‘It makes anybody look better!’ Clinton agreed. “’ have been desperately looking for one of those ever since with no luck, so if anybody knows where you can get one. … I’m gonna get one if it ever comes out.’

Notably, none of the excerpts from the interview feature any questions from DeGeneres about Clinton’s ballooning email scandal, her role in the response to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, or allegations of her quid pro quo financial arrangements with big-money Clinton Foundation donors.

Source: Breitbart



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