(Graphic Video) Teens across the US are playing a new, deadly game called ‘Knockout’, where they try with one punch to knockout a stranger on the street.
The game has already killed people in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey.
WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – A terrifying new ‘game’ that’s already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is sweeping the nation, and it preys upon unsuspecting people walking the streets, anywhere.
A recent report from New York-based CBS 2 shed light on the growing trend, displaying unsettling footage of teens participating in this game – which goes by the name ‘Knockout’ – and involves randomly targeting passersby, with the ultimate goal being to knock them out with one punch as they walk by.
One victim shown in the footage was 46-year-old Ralph Santiago of Hoboken, N.J., who was found dead with his neck broken and head lodged between iron fence posts, according to NJ.com.
Video surveillance shows Santiago walking in an alleyway in broad daylight, and just as he’s about to pass a pack of teenagers, one launches the fatal, knockout blow.
And what’s the point?
“For the fun of it,” one teen said in the video.
“They just want to see if you got enough strength to knock somebody out,” said another.
D.C. has not been spared of this violent trend.
One local woman, who was attacked on 14th Street NW in Columbia Heights on Thursday, tells DCist.com she believes to have been a target of this game, as a group of around eight males on bikes came up behind her, with one hitting her in the head. According to the report, police categorized the attack as “simple assault.”
The woman tells the publication she believes others in the area should be on the lookout for similar types of attacks.
I’ve seen that happen on New York City buses often. The youth of today all want to be famous and video tape themselves causing harm to others, That is not entertainment, that type of behavior should be punished. We should not endorse that behavior by viewing their materials. That is just my opinion.
any person doing this needs to be given a 10 year prison sentence with no chance of parole and if a person dies as a result of this type of assault the person needs to be given the death penalty
Not for nothing, but the only white people in the video were the ones being knocked out.. This seems to be a game of racism..
Reminds me of when a bunch of thugs were roaming streets and beating up elderly white people saying.. “this is for trayvon”
Go Obama!!!!! smh
Cops and/or ghetto macho kids listen up. If I’m walking and see you swing…I don’t want your group jumping me after I knock your boy out..I’m just playing your own game at that point. And cops don’t even try if you see it happen bc that’s self defense at its best.
This is absolutely awful! Those kids should be punished as adults, and removed from our streets! They are COWARDS and do not deserve the honor of freedom…ANIMALS!
I guess I will have to start wearing my full face motorcycle helmet while walking around the street