Dana Loesch Exposes Farrakhan’s ‘Anarchist Angels’

Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, and Carmen Perez, are the bewilderingly hypocritical founders of the Women’s Marches.

Only an idiot or a slave serving their deranged masters would decide to embark on a losing fight. Especially when that target is none other than Dana Loesch.

Dana Loesch has been under attack from Black Lives Matters and this deadly prior mentioned trio of Satan’s angels for advocating needless gun violence.

And for the record, and to state the obvious, Loesch did not, or has she ever, advocated for needless gun violence.

But it does bring-up a very good question. What do these liberal feminist activist mean when they talk about gun violence?

1/3rd of this lovely trio of Sharpton and Farrakhan antichrists slaves, Tamika Mallory breaks down in tears at the drop of a hat when she talks about how the father of her son died from needless gun violence. And this is not to insinuate that her tears are not real but rather her motives might not be all that she publically claims.

The man Mallory claims died from NRA and Loesch supported needless white supremacist gun violence was a drug dealer shot by fellow crooks after getting caught up in some bad deals. Where are these ridiculous baseless connections coming from? Well, Sharpton is her master. He literally started grooming Mallory as a child with NAN to be a pretty mouthpiece that did his bidding.

We find the same thing going on between Farrakhan, Perez and Sarsour. He probably has Sharpton jealous. Just months after going on the record stating that the Jews caused 9/11 and that “Hitler was a great hand” Farrakhan was pictured at a rally with Perez and Sarsour on each side of him holding hands. And one also has to wonder how Farrakhan plans on the army of 10,000 he is calling for to kill off all white people will accomplish his vision without weapon…There is more going on than meets the eye when you investigate these protected liberal domestic terrorists. They’re afraid of fighting a fair fight against armed citizens and hence the war on guns. But that’s a whole other liberal treasure trove of diabolical domestic terrorism that we can’t get into at the moment.

How does the trio of Satan’s Angels serving the closest thing they can find to Lucifer in the flesh on this planet, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan help reduce racial violence,  hate speech or empower women?!

Here is the video Dana Losech made in response to the hateful attacks being leveled against her by Mallory, Perez and Sarsour. And after an update on how this sad trio of psychologically manipulated women are fighting back at the expense of women and human dignity around the world.

And as refreshing as it might be to the rest of us sane women on the planet to hear the fiercely wonderful Dana Losech point out the obvious hypocrisy of these submissive serving Daddy Farrakhan and Sharpton. Their daddies felt differently. So, back out to the front lines they go to do their biddings. Instead of the March Losech calls for to truly unite women and march against these evil racist misogynistic tyrants, they marched yet again in protest of her and the NRA.

There is an old saying out there that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results… So why are they.. O wait their nothing more than eager, open willing mouths willing to accept whatever orders their daddies give them without question, which in other contexts is a completely different story. But, yeah.

Yay. Feminism. How great. No wonder only a few hundred women have shown up as of yet to this march against Losech, a woman who actually makes sense and comes across as strong when she opens her mouth.

Source: Algemeiner



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