Cruz Sends Out Misleading Mailer, Calls Trump Dishonest in New Ad

Cruz Sends Out Misleading Mailer, Calls Trump Dishonest in New Ad

Right before Iowa began to caucus, Ted Cruz sent out a mailer with the headline “VOTING VIOLATION” that graded an individual’s voting record, and their neighbors’ as well. The tactic was meant to build social pressure on individuals to vote, with the promise that their participating would update their score.

Many criticized the mailer as a disingenuous move that very well could have cost Cruz support, rather than build it.

Cruz got the last laugh, as he rather decidedly won the Iowa caucus in which many predicted a second place finish for the Texas senator, and he’s alleging that Donald Trump is the one who is disingenuous, not himself.

To prove his point, he released an attack ad against Trump, in which he points out his ever-evolving stances on issues throughout the years.

See the ad, as well as Cruz’s response to his own mailer, on the next page:

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