Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan – The Key to Understanding the Mass Immigration Crisis in Europe

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan – The Key to Understanding the Mass Immigration Crisis in Europe

What could be the most supported genocide in history, since the Holocaust, has been in the making for years. Coudenhove-Kalergi was a philosopher who believed that the man of the future will be of mixed race, states his Wiki, and that the people who must accept change are the Europeans who need to mix with Blacks, and Asians. Kalergi calls it the Eurasian-negroid race of the future.

Startling enough, there are people with similar ideologies that support this type of breeding today, and believe that Europeans will have to give up their whole culture, and come to acceptance that their country will not prevail if they do not begin to breed with the Jewish.

Basically, the Kalergi plan calls for the genocide of Europeans through mass breeding. There are people in Europe and other countries, today, whom are similarly in support of mass breeding, because they believe Europeans still have a strong antisemitic attitude. What these people don’t know is that they are simply puppets whose strings are being pulled by the global elite. Watch them in the video on the next page, it all makes sense — open the borders, and wipe out the culture that opposes a new world order.

Watch the video on page two.

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  1. Adrian Peirson

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