Comedian Griffin: The Cosby Allegations are a Conspiracy to Destroy Black Male Entertainers

The strangest thing about this case besides the inconstancies in testimonies is the time frame. If all of this happened over thirty years ago, how do you prove any of it? And why would they wait so long to bring it to the police? Again, not saying the man is innocent, but there are too many details that remain unaccounted for.

“First off, you have to remember, this was in the ’70s,” Griffin said. “The ’70s… motherf***ers all had coke spoons around their f***ing necklace. You’d go to the damn disco and they’d get the lines laid out on the table. You want to level out after a hit of cocaine, you get a Quaalude.”

“So, did he rape these b****es?” Griffin asked rhetorically. “All of them said the same thing: ‘We went to the room.’ Why would you go to the room of a known married man?”

Griffin also lamented the fact that decades of Cosby’s social work, including education initiatives in the black community and “generous” donations to colleges, were undone by the allegations. The comedian also slammed what he called the hypocrisy in the way the media and others have treated director Roman Polanski and how they’ve treated Cosby.

Bill Cosby mentored Griffin early on in his career, which would explain why he’s so passionate in defending the man. It’s safe to say that there aren’t any conspiracies to ruin the careers of black male entertainers. They face the same scrutiny as everybody else. It’s not a race thing.





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