Have you ever felt the Constitution was “problematic?” You might if you’re a Social Justice Warrior, what with all that “free-speech” and due process whatsits, it’s offensive.
But what about college administrators, people whose role it is to balance freedom of thought with freedom of expression? Perhaps you would expect a respected institution of higher learning to remind a troubled student that if they cannot handle other opinions they don’t belong in a place where they are the primary subject of discussion.
You might expect that. But it didn’t go that way at Vassar College, where an administrator agreed to shred a copy of the Constitution to calm an undercover reporter who was pretending to be a student there.
Find out why on page 2.
She should be discharged of her position.
I do not belive these people should be allowed to brainwash our college students
The Constitution was established for freedom, Rights and Justice. Claiming that the Constitution is offensive,is an offensive attitude against the essence of the Constitution, and is promoting Tyrrany, Extremism and Slavery. This is truly offensive by promoting Ameriphobic Hatemongering Bigotry.
Pull the funding.
A school full of treasonous traitorous teachers… Disgusting..
When we became so politically correct and Bending over backwards to appease everybody that’s when our education and her children’s brains took a slide down a slippery slope into the hill we are experiencing now
Everyone needs to be taught and understand the constitution just because you do not agree this is what the USA was founded on.
If the Constitution offends you and, ha, ha, “triggers you”, you are welcome to leave and try to find another country that makes you comfortable. If you insist on staying stfu!
I’ll donate to help to get your ticket out!