CNN’s Don Lemon Losses It When MLK’s Nephew Calls President Trump a Genius

CNN’s Don Lemon Losses It When MLK’s Nephew Calls President Trump a Genius

If you work for a liberal BS magnet such as CNN, your job is easy. You have no real news to report, no semblance of personal integrity or responsibility. All you have to do is sit there and parrot the ONE “fad” issue of the week.

However, when you hire people the way Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper got their heads in the door, even that is too much of a task.

Apparently Don Lemon is a self-hating racist man who just automatically assumes every black person he sees is still enslaved on the liberal plantation.

Continue to the next page to view the spitting and spurting overwhelmed look on CNN anchor Don Lemon’s face when MLK’s nephew Isaac Newton Farris had the audacity to call President Trump a genius.

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  1. MMM

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