The Clock Bomb Boy and His Long List of Behavior Problems

“While [Mohamed’s] discipline record is confidential and his father didn’t want to discuss it, the file was thick by some accounts,” the Dallas Morning News noted. The Sudanese-American sensation du jour said he was suspended for several weeks during sixth grade.

Kubiak also complained to the superintendent that the school was too quick to suspend children. It used a new student evaluation system that he said “wrote some kids off.” Today’s zero tolerance policies can do just that. They are the backbone of Obama’s federal safe schools and threat assessment plans in response to Columbine (1999) and Sandy Hook (2012), culminating as the Safe School Initiative, a joint project of the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Secret Service, intended to prevent school shootings. No, kids do not get to be kids anymore.

State policies vary but in Texas, public school student codes of conduct address threats, hoaxes, plus perceived and discretionary threats. In 2011, Texas A&M University identified that 30 percent of Texas students in grades 7-12 received out-of-school suspension (OSS), while 15 percent were either suspended or expelled at least 11 times.

Liberal Advocacy groups pushed Texas legislators to downgrade or eliminate charges against chewing gum in schools, disrupting class, profanity, fighting with other students, back talking, failure to follow school rules and the reckless damaging of school property.

Source: Breitbart

Yes, the liberal wanted the kids to be able to pretty much be anarchists.

This year, lawmakers decriminalized truancy. Still, the disciplinary alternative educational program (DAEP) offsite placement remains a repository for students who commit “virtually any disciplinary violation or certain criminal offenses” in Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, Breitbart Texas reported.

All students face the same stringent zero tolerance policies as did Ahmed Mohamed and sometimes, for far lesser reasons. Zero tolerance policies cut across racial, religious, and socio-economic lines to criminalize kid and teen behavior nationwide. These zero tolerance policies, not racism or Islamophobia as the family maintains, resulted in Mohamed’s Sept. 14 arrest. Bringing a hoax bomb to school is among those offenses.







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