Clinton-Blumenthal Tied to 2nd Dossier in New FBI Document Dump

It is now completely evident that the entire genesis of the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax was a product of a money-making scheme by both Hillary and Blumenthal.

Going back to the evolution of this scheme, one can see the outright irony when re-viewing the Benghazi hearings. Hillary becomes absolutely irate when Trey Gowdy incessantly questions her regarding the lack of emails from Ambassador Christopher Steele and why it appeared that someone lacking any merit in Libya had seemingly “unfettered” access to the Secretary of State. The irony is that the answer she could have given…that she had communicated with Ambassador Stevens…something that would have cleared up this image of her ignoring him, were actually part of the missing 33K+ emails. She could not have exonerated herself by telling Congress about those communications with Stevens precisely BECAUSE they were the emails that were purposefully deleted due to their proximity to emails with Sidney Blumenthal about this money-grabbing scheme!

This document dump and tireless work by Judicial Watch prove beyond a doubt that every bit of this misery that Clinton and her toadies in the Deep State have heaped upon the American people over this hoax had their origins in the greed of Sidney Blumenthal and the Clintons.

Pure and simple, this is a travesty that we had so many hundreds of millions spent on a phony investigation that was always a precursor to masking two individuals’ chance at a quick buck.

Source: Real Clear Investigations



  1. Sharon Silljer
  2. Debbie Barringer
  3. Anita MARTINEZ
  4. Brenda
  5. Ted Lobley

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