Clemson University Issues an Apology for Holding a Mexican Food Day

Clemson University Issues an Apology for Holding a Mexican Food Day

If you’ve ever eaten at a college cafeteria you might have been reminded of a childhood summer camp. Dry oatmeal for breakfast, wilted lettuce and rainbow-tinted ham sandwiches for lunch, and maybe noodles with ketchup for dinner.

Fridays may be especially festive, with tiny cuts of half-baked pizza some creative chef has added pears and feta cheese too. College cafeteria food is pretty universal, and universally unappetizing. Clemson University tried to shake things up a bit with a Mexican themed night, serving tacos and burritos stuffed with warm Chorizo.


Yet, some students couldnt enjoy the ‘diversity’ because they felt it was too insensitive to Mexicans, however. It was enough of an uproar that the university had to apologize.

Find out why Mexican food is racist on page 2.

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