City Demands Right To Inspect Couple’s Home Without Warrant

That a county judge denied city authorities a warrant indicates the shaky grounds on which they’re operating, but that hasn’t stopped them from taking the case to an appeals court. If the court rules in their favor, the door will be opened to government officials forcing citizens to open their doors to them even without express authorization by a court.

“After the Wiebesicks refused access, the city asked a Hennepin County judge for an administrative warrant. Judge Susan Robiner denied the request. Golden Valley now hopes the Minnesota Court of Appeals will affirm its ordinance and grant the inspection when they hear the case this spring.

‘What’s at stake is a simple matter of making sure we have safe housing that meets minimal standards,’ Golden Valley Fire Chief John Crelly said.

Chief Crelly says inspections are needed to assure the safety of all tenants as inspections search for fire hazards and other code violations. He says the city will normally give 48 hours of notice.

‘In general, there are no unannounced inspections,’ Crelly said.

But the Wieiebeseck’s say such inspections are unreasonable, because the city provides on evidence of any prior wrongdoing as basis for the administrative warrant.

‘What we’re trying to reaffirm is the old rights that the government cannot pass the threshold unless it has a good reason,’ Sanders said.”

See video about the Wiebesick’s case below:

Source: CBS Local



  1. Roger Fickle

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