Chicago Mayor Emanuel: Dreamers are ‘Part of the Chicago Family’, Illegal Immigrants are ‘Welcome Here’

Rahm Emanuel believes that illegal aliens have a “right” to all the benefits afforded actual legal citizens in the United States.  In fact, one could argue that he believes that illegals have MORE of a right to these benefits than legal citizens.  Recently, in an interview on MSNBC, he divulged that the children of illegals were “worried and frightened” for their family’s safety because President Trump and his administration wanted to enforce U.S. Federal Immigration Laws.

You heard that right:  following the law is now the equivalent of instilling fear into the populace.  Now, I could fully understand Emanuel saying that people were fearful if the law said that you must be beheaded if you, as a woman, went out unaccompanied by a man.  Or if he said people were scared if the law required that you genitally mutilate your seven-year-old daughter.  Or even if he said that people were completely terrified that the law said that you were justified, in fact encouraged, to commit homicide by strapping explosives to your body and detonating it in a crowd of hundreds of little children.

But fearful of a law that requires you to wait in line and be properly documented and vetted before setting foot into this country and possibly committing acts of violence against its citizens?

Emanuel uses our country’s motto of “E Pluribus Unum” when evidencing this fear, stating that we need to embrace multiculturalism for the sake of tamping down the White fear of other colors.  What he’s doing in reality here, friends, is muddying up the waters of the original meaning and intention of the motto, “Out of Many, One.”  The motto came about as a reference to the original thirteen colonies becoming “one nation under God.”  The thirteen stripes and the 50 stars on our American flag broadcasts the same message.

Yet, in today’s world of multiculturalism, that meaning is being purposefully buried in order to advance the new narrative that the “melting pot” of America was the true intention of the motto, that out of many cultures and races came one nation.  But more than just that, the United States is not one nation, but many nations, cordoned off from one another and built into small communities, separate and individual.  We are no longer Americans.  We are African-Americans, German-Americans, Icelandic-Americans, Mexican-Americans…

Leftists don’t want you to know or understand that the reason for assimilation is to become American, to blend cultures into one people.  Leftists want one people to blend into multiple cultures (multiculturalism), one of the many teachings of Progressivism.  There is a reason why the calling for segregation from the Leftists is on the rise.  The racism associated with these calls for segregation is intended, not coincidental.  Democrats have always been about separation of the races.  It’s the exact reason for their original adherence to slavery, the reason for their creation of the KKK, the reason for their fight in the Civil Rights era against integration and the sharing of public spaces with Black Americans.

Multiculturalism is their answer for separation of the races.  Democrats have been fighting for this since their inception.  And they have been losing this argument for more than a century.

Until now.

The multiculturalism argument, or any of its other incarnations (mosaic, kaleidoscope, even “salad bowl” for all you vege-terrorists out there) has had one purpose in mind and that purpose is segregation.  They have been inundating our children with this concept for so long that it’s now considered racist to…well, to not be a racist.  Consider this:  Right wingers want Americans to be Americans.  Not Black or White, Brown or Red, Yellow or Green.  Because we do not ascribe to segregation as they do (and recent headlines bear out) we are named the racists.  Because we do not want to see these separate communities that are banning other races from being part of them, we are the intolerant bigots.

Emanuel labors under the belief that because we wish to keep this nation safe from harm, to be vigilant against a very dangerous world where those who wish to deal out death here on our home soil, that we are prejudiced against immigrants.  Most of our lineage is tied up in immigration.  Very few, except maybe Elizabeth Warren, can say that we are native Americans.  We love immigrants.


If Emanuel thinks that this backward thinking will throw people off the scent that illegals are committing all sorts of crimes in order to “appear” legal (identity theft, false IDs, stolen Social Security Numbers, etc.), he is sorely mistaken.  This is not about Dreamers.  It is about what is right and what is legal.  It is about protecting our nation from those who choose to harm us.  In his diatribe, he mentions his father from Moldovia who was 13 when he came to the United States.  He failed to mention the word “illegal” when he mentioned him.  Was that by mistake, or are we meant to somehow believe that his father was an illegal alien?

P.S.  Emanuel’s dad was not an illegal alien.

Secondary Source:  ZeroHedge



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