Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
It makes perfect practical sense to me. First they need to stop the free flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Then they can over a period of time remove all those who are undesirable.
This is why Trump is still pretty much the best candidate.
Then he has not business in the white house.
And yet another candidate caves to political correctness…
Not by doing it all at once.Remember there is all ways more than one way to skin that dam old $#%&!@* cat.
That is why Carson is a “no can do” type of person who will shuffle his feet and not get much accomplished. More talk, talk, talk.