Canada Welcomes Openly Radical Islamist who calls for Return of Caliphate and Destruction of the West

A speech that was hosted by the Alberta Islamic Welfare Association, given by Shaban Sherif Mady, a pro-ISIS advocate, was given to Muslim refugees entering Canada. He went on to praise Allah in front of the crowd calling for Allah to “destroy the oppressors,” and to give them victory over the ones who wish “ill for Islam and the Muslims; make his plot around his neck, make him preoccupied with himself, and make his plan cause his own destruction.”

In the following Infowars describes the many incidences where Trudeau approves of this radical Islamic behavior.

In another video, Mady likens Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Ashama ibn-Abjar, a king who betrayed his own peopled before converting to Islam. Mady thanks Trudeau for “removing the suspicion that terrorism is related to Islam” (while simultaneously calling for terrorists to “hit their targets”).

As we previously highlighted, this is not the first time that Muslim migrants arriving in Canada have been welcomed under alarming circumstances.
Members of a school choir were asked to sing a song to welcome 163 newly arrived refugees back in December. The song celebrates Muhammad’s arrival in Medina after he forced Christians to convert to Islam under threat of death.
Justin Trudeau tweeted his approval of the song, despite the fact that it refers to a battle cited in the Koran, which calls on Muslims to fight and kill non-believers until they “pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
The Jizya is a crippling tax on non-Muslims which is currently imposed on Christians in the Middle East by ISIS under threat of execution and taking their wives as sex slaves.
In summary; the children were basically singing a song that celebrates the subjugation and “submission” of Christians to Islam after thousands of Muslims migrated and took over a large portion of territory.







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