Can you judge fiscal responsibility through wardrobe choices?
Possibly, but you most certainly can judge hypocrisy. Actions speak louder than words.
Most of us recall Hillary leaving the White House proclaiming “she was dead broke.”
If she was “dead broke” how could she afford to have purchased a $2.85 million dollar home on Embassy Row in Washington, D.C.? The New York Times reported that the Clintons put $855,000 down on the Washington house. They weren’t eating beans.
Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton uses class warfare to vilify the wealthy and Wall Street. This is ironic because she is a member of the one percent. She laughingly classifies herself as a champion for the middle class. Does anyone actually buy her shtick? Obviously, deluded democrats fall for her well oiled routine like lemmings heading for a cliff.
But What About Her Wardrobe Choices…
This champion of the middle class will easily drop $200K on a high end wardrobe.. For example, while giving her New York Primary victory speech in Hillbillary racked up a whopping $12,495 for a tweed jacket designed by Italian fashion icon Giorgio Armani.
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I’ll take the woman wearing the dress over the lesbian wearing a man’s pants, anyday.
She wears those long coats to cover her adult diapers
Interesting info! It would be better for her to have a U.S. designer. But I would imagine Ivanka’s line is imported, also. I wonder how they came up with that 12,000 price? That Jacket did not fit well, don’t you agree?
One is a classy lady, the other is a$#%&!@*