California Lawmakers Hire Eric Holder to Fight Trump Administration

California Lawmakers Hire Eric Holder to Fight Trump Administration

Although President Obama’s cabinet will go down in history as one of the most crooked, anti-liberty administrations in history, one particular face stands out as synonymous with corruption and government overreach.

I’m speaking of course, about none other than Eric Holder. As Attorney General for the vast majority of Obama’s time in office, Holder has overseen some of the most shocking and inexcusable acts on the part of the White House and Justice Department alike. Whenever the president needed a rationale for some clearly illegal maneuver, Holder was there to provide one, attempting to convince Americans that just because the act in question was against the law doesn’t mean that it was against the law.

On top of this, the attorney general supervised the sale of guns to Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexicans, something that Holder was never brought to justice for.

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