All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
Right to die to the doctors right to kill you by refusing to give medical care
Part of ones dying is so your loved ones can learn and experience humanity. Taking your own life robs them of that experience. Also, this law can be used by the government to NOT pay for expensive drugs to keep you alive, much like that experienced by an Oregon woman.
Why can’t we just sell California and be done with it we need the money
I have been with many people as they drew close to their last hours and many, many times I heard one say they were tired and wanted to die. Each person has a right to what they want at this time in their own life. They have a right to have their wishes met. People who ask for the right to die are not cowards and they are not commiting suicide. If you have never been at deaths door as medical professionals are doing all they can to keep you alive and you suffer and you are miserable, shut up !!
Where there is a Demoncrat in charge ,there is always pain and sufferimg.
Brown if he still is Catholic needs to be excommunicated. Politicians do not sign bills that are good for us they sign bills that special interest have bought the politician
Maybe he will be first…
Depose this man
If the time comes that is my choice and that choice is between me and my GOD NO ONE ELSE
Hope he’s First