Brutal Beating and Robbery on Metro Ends in Arrests

In the words of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Transit Bureau spokesman Ramon Montenegro:

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Transit Bureau officials said that on Tuesday, December 8, between 3:30 and 3:45PM, Aliyah Von Lewis, 18, allegedly approached a female victim and almost immediately began to punch her in the face and body while pulling her purse and backpack from her.

The assault was recorded on the train’s on-board video system and on the cellphone of a witness who posted the video to social media sites.  “In the videos, a second suspect, a 17-year-old female, can also be seen attacking the victim by repeatedly punching and kicking her,” Montenegro added. “The victim offered no resistance and appears to be trying to get away from the attackers.”

Source: The Long Beach Post

Aliyah Von Lewis.  That is the name of the first attacker in the horrific video below, the one who makes the initial approach to the victim minding her own business.  Aliyah is eighteen years old.  The second woman’s identity was not released because she was seventeen.    Two women just barely into adulthood robbed and brutalized a third for no reason beyond their own selfish desires and soulless cruelty.  Despite their arrests for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, who can imagine how long it will take the innocent they violated to recover and move on with her life?

Further demonstrating that it’s not just two bad seeds, but an entire rotting fruit tree at play in this incident, the younger unidentified woman’s fifteen year old brother was also arrested as a result of this investigation on charges of witness intimidation and assault with a deadly weapon.

Source: The Long Beach Post



  1. Yama

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