Biotech Giant Conducting Trials to “Bring Dead People Back to Life” in Undisclosed Latin American Country

Biotech Giant Conducting Trials to “Bring Dead People Back to Life” in Undisclosed Latin American Country

While many are reading Brave New World poolside this summer, biotech giant Bioquark will be conducting human studies on “rebooting the brain” and bringing the “dead back to life” in an undisclosed Latin American country.

Most countries define brain death as “the complete and irreversible loss of brain function.” According to Bioquark CEO Ira Pastor, if these human studies go well, they’ll have developed a series of injunctions capable of “rebooting” the brain.

Medically defining life and death used to be straightforward. Death occurred when the heart stopped beating. Not only has modern medicine redefined death by brain function but also possibly offering a cure that stands to revolutionize Western hierarchies of power.

More information of redefining the medical definition of death, medical testing in South America and this study on the next page

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