The GOP establishment has basically declared that it would rather destroy the Republican Party than let Donald Trump be it’s nominee.
Panicked by how strongly the tide has turned in favor of Trump, Weekly Standard editor and neoconservative insider Bill Kristol has called for a third party made up of Republicans opposed to Trump. “Crowd-sourcing: Name of the new party we’ll have to start if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Suggestions welcome at [email protected],” he nervously tweeted.
Right away, the hypocrisy of the Republican establishment becomes apparent. Remember all the hand wringing over the possibility that Trump might bolt and run as a third party candidate if he didn’t get the GOP nod? Remember that whole pledge not to run as an independent? Well the same people who moaned and whined over the possibility that Trump would do it are saying they will do it!
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How was Bill Kristol the fastest swimmer out of 20 mi!!ion
Bill Kristof has always been an idiot
we want a new party, An American Party, No Dems, No Repub. Just run 5 people for the office and let the people vote and decide who they want. That would be the American way. No backers, free time for debates be given the candidates and they way they do not need to take money to spend for running, let the people hear the debates and decide who they want and vote.
Who kristol, seems kristol will destroy the party because of his comments.
Good luck getting any votes!
Bill Kristol is a traitor
I was being courted to renew my GOP membership and I have opted to follow Franklin Graham’s lead. I had hope that Ryan would start leading in the House. And all he did was pull a Boehner. I’m not very happy with the GOP leadership. They’ve done a Bergdahl on us and I don’t want to be caught in a crossfire looking for them. If Trump wins the nomination, I’ll vote for him. If the GOP splinters… I’m afraid it’s gonna be Hillary in the White House. They hate Trump that much?? I can’t imagine they’ve gone that far to the left….